UPDATE: Re: First take on 4.4

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Sat Apr 22 04:23:32 CEST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Joe Klemmer wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-04-21 at 22:03 -0400, Joe Klemmer wrote:
>> 	First off; When I try and run the web browser from the panel it won't
>> start up at all.  It tries then nothing.  If I run in from the xfdesktop
>> menu it works and if I cut-n-paste "exo-open --launch WebBrowser" into
>> an xterm it spits out "Error: No running window found" but firebird
>> starts up fine.
> 	I just noticed that when I select the web browser from the xfdesktop
> menu it actually fires up mozilla rather than firefox.  Don't know if
> that's pertinent or not.

Mmm, that should be changed to use xfbrowser4, which will launch
exo-open if it exists, otherwise falling back on Other Stuff[tm].  Ok,

> Second; Where is my CDE compatibility?!?  The Mofit style is in the
> window manager preferences but there's no theme in the user interface
> preferences.  I realize that this is a trivial or even a non-issue but
> one of the things that got me started with xfce 1.x was the CDE
> look-n-feel.  It was like CDE only better.

You could try one of these:

> In addition to the missing
> theme, there is no desktop switcher (the one with the big buttons).
> Right now I'm running clearlooks-deepsky theme and style curve.  It's ok
> but it's not what I need.

Hmm, yeah, looks like the big-button desktop switcher didn't make it
into the new panel.  Maybe it could be resurrected and moved to goodies?

> 	Olivier, Jas, Benny, et.al.  I know that this is a small thing but it's
> very big to me.  I'm hoping that, this being a beta and all, the things
> I need will eventually find there way in.  But as a reminder I will
> paraphrase Dire Straights and sing...
> I want my...
> I want my...
> I want my CDE.
Another thing you might want that's CDEish: Desktop Settings -> Behavior
- -> Desktop Icons -> Minimized application icons.  Though that might be
the default now.  I don't remember what I do anymore...

(I know I'm relatively new around here compared to you, but,
nonetheless, welcome back Joe.)


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