Xfce 4.4b1 task bar issue?

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at cornell.edu
Wed Apr 19 20:06:20 CEST 2006

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On 4/19/2006 10:27 AM, Peter N. Spotts wrote:
> Folks,
> A quick reality check on the taskbar before I go off to bug land...
> I prefer using the panel as a taskbar and so want to
> eliminate the taskbar itself. So after installing 4.4b-1 (which is
> magnificent, BTW), I quit out of the taskbar, then used save session
> when I logged off to keep the tb away. When I restarted Xfce, a portion
> of the TB remains on the screen (about 1/2 to 2/3 its original depth).
> It shows no apps, although the in-panel tb does. And when I run
> gnome-system-monitor, I find no indication the taskbar is running. So
> the system says it's off; Xfce's desktop shows it 1/2 to 2/3 on, but no
> registering apps.
> Has anyone else but me seen this? Or is this something I should post on
> the bug site? BTW, I'm running this on SuSE 10.0, if that means
> anything.

The taskbar is now a part of the panel, so I assume you had an old
version of xftaskbar4 lying around.  Just right click it, customise, and
remove that particular panel.

Benny, what do you think about adding a session 'blacklist' to
xfce4-session that doesn't load xftaskbar4 if it's in the session on a
4.4.0 first-run?


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