xfce newb seeking direction

Chris Dunn chris at tropictc.com
Fri Sep 30 15:26:59 CEST 2005

On Thu, Sep 29, 2005 at 07:51:39PM -0400, Joe Klemmer wrote:
> On Mon, 2005-09-26 at 17:45 -0600, Myles Green wrote:
> > > 1. Can I open an app automatically through ~/Desktop/Autostart/<app>,
> > > and have it start "sticky"?
> > > 
> > > 2. Can I open an app automatically through ~/Desktop/Autostart/<app>,
> > > and have it start on a specific workspace, say workspace 3 of 8?
> > 
> > The above operations can be accomplished by using an external program
> > called devilspie (sudo apt-get install devilspie). Once you have it
> > installed, you'll need to read the docs in /usr/share/doc/devilspie
> > where you'll find an example config file etc. - it's pretty easy to
> > set up. 
> 	You can also do this with the built-in session manager that comes with
> xfce4.  At least I do.

I can see how to restart an app on the previously used workspace by using
session save, but this does not seem to restart an app in a sticky
state, even if so set before saving the session. Or am I not seeing
something as usual.

Also not much luck with devilspie. The version available in Debian seems
to be 0.7 whereas the latest is about 0.13 as of a few days ago. The 0.7
version just doesn't seem to work for me, and there seem to be similar
reports from other users.

Any tips from a successful user?

Chris Dunn

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