nautilus help

Ken Moffat kmoffat at
Sat Sep 24 04:25:26 CEST 2005

Ken Moffat wrote:

>Joe Klemmer wrote:
>>Hi listers,
>>	I know this isn't xfce specific but I'm sure that someone in here has
>>figured out how to get this done.  I wouldn't mind using nautilus on
>>occasion (sorry edscott) but it has that highly annoying habit of taking
>>over the desktop and killing xfdesktop.  I wish to use the file manager
>>only without the other stuff.  I haven't been able to find any way of
>>fixing this, though I will admit I haven't done an exhaustive search.
>>Any help or guidance towards the right TFM I could R would be greatly
>>P.S. Hi guys.  I might be back as a imaginary productive person for a
>>bit.  ;-)
>I believe it has a command line switch: --no-desktop... here it is.
>       --no-desktop
>              Do  not  manage  the desktop -- ignore the preference set
>in the
>              preferences dialog.
>You should be able to make a menu item with the command "nautilus
In fact I am currently using gnome, and there is the option for a new
login, which I used, starting another session with xfce, and tried this
with success.


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