ANNOUNCE: xfdiff-4.3.4 released

Edscott Wilson Garcia edscott at
Wed Oct 5 04:10:29 CEST 2005

Xfdiff is now released as a separate package from xffm.

1- diff command is now executed in a separate thread so you can start
browsing differences before diff output is complete.
2- when you diff two directories, only those files which *are* different
will appear in the combo list.

Download: (access from svn trunk is not
yet up to date because of some prblms, so watch the xfce-commits mail
list for when this is available).

1- libtubo-0.9.7 (download from or svn
trunk xffm/libtubo). This is a *tiny, tiny* library.
2- libxfcegui4 >= 4.2.0 (this is optional: you wont get an "about"
dialog without it).

And for those of you who are not familiar with xfdiff:


Xfdiff 4.3.4 is graphic interface to the GNU diff and patch commands.
With this utility, you can view differences side by side for files or
directories. You can also view differences that applying a patch file
would imply, without applying the patch. You can also apply patches to
the hard disc or create patch files for differences between files or
directories. All-in-all, a handy utility for lazy chaps who don't want
to type the diff command.


Xfdiff first appeared around year 2000 in the xfce3 desktop as an
included application. The application was later ported to GTK-2 and
included within the xffm tarball, which uses the application as a
filemanagement tool.
During the 4.3 release series, xfdiff has returned to the status of
independent application to allow installation for uses without the xffm
filemanager and also to reduce the size of the xffm distribution
tarball. Whatever.


Edscott Wilson Garcia <edscott at>

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