Dual screen issues

Don Christensen djc at cisco.com
Tue Nov 22 22:05:25 CET 2005

houghi wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2005 at 11:37:41PM -0800, Don Christensen wrote:
>>I have a dual-head setup using 4.2.0 on Red Hat EL3.  I'm not using
>>Xinerama, and the panel works just fine.  I can't remember how I got
>>this going (or if I even did anything special).  Below is the PS
>>output, with two copies of the panel running.
>>djc       3559  0.0  0.0  4208 1060 ?        S    Sep16   0:00 /bin/sh /opt/xfce/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc
>>djc       3578  0.0  0.0  4204 1020 ?        S    Sep16   0:00 /bin/sh /opt/xfce/etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc
>>djc       3585  0.0  0.2 12308 4536 ?        S    Sep16   0:26 /opt/xfce/bin/xfce4-session
>>djc       3594  0.0  0.2 14912 5536 ?        S    Sep16   7:06 xfce-mcs-manager
>>djc       3597  0.0  0.2 12056 4276 ?        S    Sep16   0:54 xfwm4 --daemon --sm-client-id 11ab474430000108491254900000039540000 --display :0.0
>>djc       3602  0.0  0.2 13412 4948 ?        S    Sep16   2:04 xfdesktop --sm-client-id 11ab474430000108491255800000039540006 --display :0.0
>>djc       3604  0.0  0.4 18288 10236 ?       S    Sep16  76:45 xfce4-panel --sm-client-id 11ab474430000110807907800000063780002 --display :0.1
>>djc       3606  0.0  0.2 14428 5888 ?        S    Sep16   0:18 xfce4-iconbox --sm-client-id 11ab474430000108542511600000092240010 --display :0.1
>>djc       3608  0.0  0.2 13428 4812 ?        S    Sep16   0:12 xfce4-iconbox --sm-client-id 11ab474430000108542509900000092240009 --display :0.0
>>djc       3610  0.2  0.6 20412 12524 ?       S    Sep16 256:05 xfce4-panel --sm-client-id 11ab474430000109692558300000230240005 --display :0.0
> I also have two running just fine. I just can't get the second one
> configured. Any changes I do are lost when I restart xfce.
> Even now under WindowMaker when I lauch xfce4-panel. The one on screen one
> can be changed and remembers it, the one in screen two can't.
> houghi

In .config/xfce4/panel, I get two config files:

-rw-r--r--    1 djc      eng          4169 Nov 21 23:59 contents.xml
-rw-r--r--    1 djc      eng          3378 Nov 21 23:59 contents.xml.1

The settings for the monitor corresponding to :0.0 are in the
first file, :0.1 is in the second file.  In my setup, the contents
of the two panels are substantially different, and they always
come back the way I have them set.


Don Christensen       Senior Software Development Engineer
djc at cisco.com         Cisco Systems, Santa Cruz, CA
   "It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old day now."

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