Installing under SuSE 10

Dennis J. Tuchler dennis.tuchler at
Thu Nov 17 17:25:58 CET 2005

Andrew Conkling wrote:

>On 11/17/05, Dennis J. Tuchler <dennis.tuchler at> wrote:
>>Andrew Conkling wrote:
>>>Also, unless you have a specific need, 4.2.2 packages might be just
>>>fine for you; they are, after all, bugfixes.
>>Good idea, except there is no SuSE 10 set for 4.2.2. packages, either.
>One of the most frustrating things I found about some of the large
>distros; they seem to support only GNOME or KDE.  If you're not able
>to find *any* 4.2 packages for Xfce, I'd seriously reconsider distro
>choice.  However, it's likely that some user somewhere has set up a
>repository for Xfce packages.  Make sure you search well.
>(Using Mandrake really helped my search skills for finding packages. 
>Now I just use Arch and can easily make my own.)
>Xfce mailing list
>Xfce at
Thank you very much for your help. I suppose I must turn to Google and 
the various SuSE lists for help.

Why do you think it would be inadvisable for me to try the installer 
plus the tarballs?


Best regards,


Dennis J. Tuchler
University City, Missouri 63130

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