enabling mouse scroll button

Ronan r.mcglue at qub.ac.uk
Wed Nov 9 11:06:08 CET 2005

Brian J. Tarricone wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On 11/8/2005 5:50 AM, Ronan wrote:
>>Jens Luedicke wrote:
>>>On 11/4/05, Ronan <r.mcglue at qub.ac.uk> wrote:
>>>>How can i enable the mouse scroll button please?
>>>in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf
>>>by adding
>>>Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
>>>to the mouse section.
>>that still hasn't worked.
>>Is there anywhere else i could look for support?
>Well, there's always:
>(You get a similar result set changing 'Xorg' to 'Xfree86',)
>I think this is an appropriate time for a reference to

Good job Brian,
Get into the spirit of fireing off a few quips at some guy you know 
nothing about just becuase your having a bad day yourself.

>Is it really too much to ask to do a teeny tiny amount of research into
>solving your own problem?
No its not. You dont know the circumstances. perhaps im at work. Perhaps 
the net is firewalled. perhaps I only have port 25 access? But so long 
as you feel superior...


>	-b
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