Personalize Xfce with local xinitrc

Alexander Toresson alexander.toresson at
Wed Nov 9 09:23:50 CET 2005

On 11/9/05, Stefan Krompaß <stkro at> wrote:
> Hi,
>  I'm using Xfce, Version 4.2, with the Xfce-taskbar-plugin. So, I no longer need the "default" Xfce-taskbar. Therefore, I've copied the xinitrc config file from /etc/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc to $HOME/.config/xfce4/xinitrc as described in [1] and commented out the line "xftaskbar4&".
>  But the problem is, that the taskbar is still started when I'm logging in. Why is it that the configuration in my "local" xinitrc is not obtained?
>  Thanks for help!
> [1]

If you use the session manager, just kill xftaskbar4 and log out
(saving session). That will prevent xftaskbar4 from starting the next
time you start xfce.

Regards, Alexander Toresson

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