Xfce Menu broken

Bob Plantz plantz at cds1.net
Sun Nov 6 17:42:42 CET 2005

My Xfce Menu no longer works.

Ubuntu distro (5.10 - breezy badger) on amd64.

First time I installed, it worked fine. I went back to gnome for a
couple of weeks and xfce no longer worked. I reinstalled everything
using synaptic. It took several tries to even get xfce working again. I
had to mark everything that had "xfce" in its name or description for

The Xfce Menu icon shows in the panel, and its Item propeties show the
Menu file to be /etc/xdg/xfce4/desktop/menu.xml.

I have a copy of menu.xml in ~/.config/xfce4/desktop/ and in

I can go to Xfce Settings Manager -> Desktop Settings and click on the
Menu tab, then click on Edit desktop menu. I see reasonable things. For
example, there's "Run Program..." after the first separator, another
separator, then "Terminal", etc.

Using ps -A, I see that xfce4-session, xfce-mcs-manage, xfwm4,
xftaskbar4, xfdesktop, and xfce4-panel are all running.

I'm puzzled.


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