Starting xfce4 from xdm?

Peter Humphrey prh at
Mon Mar 21 19:07:12 CET 2005

On Mon, 21 Mar 2005 20:50:37 +0300
Buck <xfce at> wrote:

> There might be two files that should be present, and they both should
> reside in your home directory.
> .xsession that contains
> #/bin/bash
> /path/to/startxfce4
> and .xinitrc
> that just contains
> startxfce4
> You should make .xsession executable.
> Well, does this help?

Sorry, but no, it doesn't - I still get twm.

prh at wstn ~ $ cat /home/prh/.xsession
prh at wstn ~ $ cat /home/prh/.xinitrc
prh at wstn ~ $ ls -l .x*
-rw-r--r--  1 prh users    11 Mar 21 18:00 .xinitrc
-rw-r--r--  1 prh users 10187 Mar 19 11:17 .xscreensaver
-rwxr-xr-x  1 prh users    32 Mar 21 17:23 .xsession
-rw-------  1 prh users     0 Mar 21 18:01 .xsession-errors

You see why I've resorted to bothering you good people with my

Peter Humphrey
Linux Counter 5290. Aug 93

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