firefox tab support in Terminal-0.2.4

Benedikt Meurer benny at
Fri Jun 24 12:36:05 CEST 2005

Matt Thompson wrote:
> Qiangning Hong wrote:
>> xfce terminal 0.2.4 can directly open an URL displayed in console window
>> using preset web browser, inclding mozilla firefox.  However, each time
>> I open an URL, a seperate firefox window is launched.  Can the URL be
>> loaded just in a new tab if a firefox window is already running?
> You can do this via a script.  Make an executable script in 
> /usr/local/bin or ~/bin called moznewtab:
> #!/bin/bash
> /usr/bin/firefox -remote "openURL($@, new-tab)" || exec /usr/bin/firefox 
> "$@";
> (those last "two" lines are all one if the wrapping get it).
> Then, to use this, simply refer all calls that used to go to firefox to 
> moznewtab (like "moznewtab %s").  I'm on a WinXP box right now, so I 
> can't really recall, but I think you do this in Terminal itself.  For 
> Evolution or the like, you need to redefine the http/https handlers.

Right, except that it's %u instead of %s.

> Hope this works,
> Matt

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