Terminal not response when another closed

Qiangning Hong hongqn at gmail.com
Sun Jun 12 14:34:59 CEST 2005

Corsac wrote:
> Qiangning Hong wrote:
>>1. Start a Terminal window, it works well.
>>2. Start another Terminal, both works.
>>3. Close the second Terminal.
>>4. Find that the first Terminal does not response any more.
>>I am using Gentoo Linux x86, xfce-extra/terminal-0.2.2-r1.  I find
>>another guy on the gentoo forum facing the same problem, but none of us
>>can tell how to resolve.  Can anyone help us?
> Maybe you should update to terminal 0.2.4 ?
> Mine works well here: Terminal 0.2.4 (Xfce 4.2.2)

Yes, update to 0.2.4 really works!  Thank you a lot!

Qiangning Hong

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(                                                         )
( -- Mark Twain                                           )
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