Debian packages for Xfce 4.2.2?

Corsac corsac at
Sat Jun 4 17:03:23 CEST 2005

Gill, Alex wrote:
> Hi, I was also wondering about using a newer release than the 4.0.6 
> version Debian unstable provides.  Do other Debian users just install 
> from the source?  If so how that affect the stability of package 
> management of the system on the whole?

There will be no new release for sarge (but there will be a repository
with xfce 4.2 for sarge after the release). Xfce 4.2.1 is in
experimental, and soon it will be 4.2.2. We are (more or less) waiting
for sarge release and for extended testing before uploading to unstable.

> I entered in the repository above.  'apt-get update' 
> works fine, but cannot use 'apt-cache search xfce4' to show me any of 
> those packages -- what am I missing?

Very strange, I have this repository, and I can apt-cache search xfce4,
it shows me a lot of packages

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