Get rid of taskbar?

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Fri Jan 28 05:29:51 CET 2005

Brett I. Holcomb wrote:

> That did it.  However, when I first installed xfce4 4.2 I did not have 
> the save session enabled and I did have the xftaskbar commented out 
> but it still ran.  It would be nice to have an option in the taskbar 
> part of the settings since commenting it out didn't help.

the entry in xinitrc is there for legacy purposes, and only gets used if 
xfce4-session isn't installed.  so, conversely, commenting it out 
doesn't do anything if you're using the session manager.  you're right: 
there should be a GUI-configurable way to disable it, but... there 
isn't.  xftaskbar4 will be gone in 4.4 anyway, replaced by the new, 
more-flexible panel widget.


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