ANNOUNCE: Mousepad 0.1.0

James Tappin james at
Wed Jan 19 21:22:42 CET 2005

On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 12:02:51 -0800
"Brian J. Tarricone" <bjt23 at> wrote:

> Moritz Heiber wrote:
> >On Wed, 19 Jan 2005 12:48:57 -0700
> >Matt Thompson <thompsma at> wrote:
> >  
> >
> >>I'll third it.  Of course, you only need to provide highlighting for
> >>Fortran 95 and zsh.  Nothing else is needed.
> >>    
> >>
> >Nah .. you're missing 'Fourdan'ish' there .. we definitely need syntax
> >highlighting for that. 8-)
> >  
> >
> yzah!
> to actually be on topic, i'm *not* in favor of adding syntax 
> highlighting to mousepad.  i just don't think that's the point of it.  
> use something less lightweight if you need highlighting.  mousepad 
> should be for jotting down random notes, editing config files, stuff 
> like that.  you don't need highlighting.  hell, the code for doing just 
> syntax highlighting would likely be half the size of the current
> codebase.

I tend to agree. For editing code there's emacs with syntax highlighting,
bracket matching, auto-indentation etc. Mousepad looks to me to be ideal
for quick editing where the only vital thing is a toggle-able word wrap
(off for config files; on for notes) which I see is there. Very nice as it


James Tappin,             O__      "I forget the punishment for using
james at       --  \/`    Microsoft --- Something lingering            with data loss in it I fancy"  

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