How to start xscreensaver automatically when starting XFCE?

Alexandre Aractingi aaractingi at
Tue Jan 4 14:48:57 CET 2005

Le mardi 04 janvier 2005 à 14:41 +0100, glmovzs a écrit :
> I'd like xscreensaver to be ran each time I start XFCE. I don't want it
> to blank the screen, I just want the daemon to be running.
> How could I do that?

On my setup /etc/X11/xdg/xfce4/xinitrc has a line for that:

# Launch xscreensaver (if available), but only as non-root user
test $UID -gt 0 -a -z "$VNCSESSION" && xscreensaver -no-splash &

If you use your own xinitrc (in your home dir) check that you also have
this line...

Alexandre Aractingi <aaractingi at>
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