Enable the windows key in xfce4

Douglas Richard djrichard at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 14:54:32 CET 2005

On Thu, 24 Feb 2005 08:37:07 -0500, Angelina Carlton <brat at magma.ca> wrote:
> Sorry, my OP was not too clear, I want to enable the "Windows98" key,
> the one with a little "windows" flag on it.
> xfce-setting-show xfwm4 only shows some settings for default.keys

OK, so when you press the "Windows" key in the "Compose Shortcut"
window (that pops up when you double-click on a Shortcut field)
nothing happens?

Make sure that the Windows key is bound to a keysym in X.  Try doing 
`xmodmap -e "keycode <keycode> = Super_L"`
where <keycode> is the keycode produced by the Windows key (115 on my
system).  You can get this from `xev` - look above the line
'XLookupString gives 0 bytes:  "''.

That should let you use the Windows key in any keyboard mappinigs.

Douglas Richard

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