Enable the windows key in xfce4

KUTYLA Peggy peggy.kutyla at laposte.net
Thu Feb 24 14:47:51 CET 2005

Le jeudi 24 février 2005 à 08:37 -0500, Angelina Carlton a écrit :
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2005 at 09:33:47PM +0900, Douglas Richard wrote:

> Sorry, my OP was not too clear, I want to enable the "Windows98" key,
> the one with a little "windows" flag on it. 
> xfce-setting-show xfwm4 only shows some settings for default.keys 

Ok, let me remember.
Copy /usr/share/xfwm4/default.keys/keythemerc to your
Now you can modify it as you want and got another key theme.
Use xev to determine the name of your windows key
Peggy Kutyla - peggy.kutyla at laposte.net
Linux Registered User 328488

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