Terminal really supports UTF-8?

Lee Marks leemarks at netspace.net.au
Thu Dec 29 21:16:18 CET 2005

Hi Andrew

On 29/12/2005, at 11:25 PM, Andrew Conkling wrote:

> On 12/29/05, Lee Marks <leemarks at netspace.net.au> wrote:
>> The manual says Terminal "implements an UTF-8 mode" which I presume
>> means that UTF-8 is on by default?
> It all depends on your locale.
>> However I've had no luck getting it to work so far - only normal
>> ascii characters get displayed properly, the rest are jibberish, but
>> the kind of jibberish you'd expect from an app that is just
>> interpreting the text stream as plain ascii.
>>   [Plus I'm using a unicode font that has all the glyphs I need (ie.
>> I'm not seeing boxes) so it definitely isn't a font issue.]
>> Would anybody know how to get utf-8 working in Terminal? [Or at least
>> confirm that this isn't supported!]
> I've had no problems with it.  Check your locale (run 'locale').  Mine
> (for the US) is en_US.utf-8.  From your email address, it looks like
> yours should be en_AU.utf-8.  IIRC, you can use 'locale -a' to print
> all supported locales.

Thankyou! This was the issue. After changing my locale to en_AU.utf-8  
it's now working.

xterm let me run it in UTF-8 mode successfully irrespective of my  
previous locale setting and so I thought Terminal would work  
similarly.  I'm learning :)


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