Terminal 0.2.4 is a great program!

Benedikt Meurer benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Tue Aug 16 17:02:34 CEST 2005

John Shane wrote:
> Benedikt, I was finally able to install Terminal on my laptop (SuSE 9.3 +
> Xfce 4.2.2).  Previous attempts to try Terminal when I was still using
> RH 9 were blocked by various dependency issues.  At first I was just
> curious but once I was able to use it I have come to really like it and
> have made it my default terminal.  Congratulations on a great product.  


> Has there been a comparison anywhere of the resources needed/used by
> Terminal and those used by gnome-terminal?  I'm assuming that Terminal is
> much lighter as it was designed for use with Xfce.  

Terminal and gnome-terminal with a lot of open windows/tabs are nearly
the same when comparing the memory usage, because VTE still requires a
*lot* of memory per screen (it's still looking for a new maintainer to
apply the huge amount of patches hanging on bugzilla). Terminal is
lighter on dependencies, starts up faster and offers more Xfce'ish
toggles (IMHO). And of course, Terminal's icon is nicer than
gnome-terminal's icon. ;-)

> John


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