blank panel

John Shane jslists at
Sat Aug 13 18:00:59 CEST 2005

On Fri, 12 Aug 2005 14:35:18 -0700
"Brian J. Tarricone" <bjt23 at> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Gavin Chester wrote:
> > On Fri, 2005-08-12 at 08:57 +0200, Jasper Huijsmans wrote:
> > 
> >>Gavin Chester schreef:
> > 
> > 
> > -snip- 
> > 
> >>>I've killed X on their session (ctl+alt+bckspc) and got them to log in
> >>>again, and I've killed the panel as a process when running under their
> >>>name (as root), and I've even rebooted their terminal.  BTW: that shows
> >>>that the panel _is_ running when they are logged in.  In no case does
> >>>the panel seem to come back as anything resembling "a panel" _except_ I
> >>>saw the date/time plugin come back after the first restart, only.  Any
> >>>clues welcome :-/    
> >>>
> >>
> >>This sounds like a plugin may be blocking the panel, usually when one is 
> >>trying to contact a network. Candidates are the mail checker and the 
> >>weather plugin. You could try checking the 
> >>~/.config/xfce4/panel/contents.xml (when the panel is not running) and 
> >>removing the relevant sections.
> >>
> >>	Jasper
> >  
> > GREAT - thanks, Jasper this did the trick.  I took a broad-brush
> > approach and removed all plugins (only had date/time, graphical pager
> > and mail notification).  This left only several launchers and the Xfce4
> > menu - and I got the panel back again in all its glory!  I'll try
> > rebuilding it with all except the mail pager and see how well it
> > lasts :-)
> <plug type="shameless">
> If you need a mail checker, I'd suggest using the new mailwatch plugin
> Pasi and I wrote.  It does all the network access in a separate thread
> and should never block the panel.  It's only available from Subversion
> at present, which may be a show-stopper for you.  Really, though, the
> only reason we haven't done a release is because we haven't gotten
> around to it, not because it's not stable.  You can grab an SVN snapshot at:
> or just pull it from the SVN repository at:
> </plug>
> 	-brian

Brian, I tried installing the mailwatch SVN snapshop on a SuSE 9.3
system. Untarring and ./configure went well but I ran into an error
during make. It says there is no libstartup-notification yet if I run
"locate libstartup-notification" I
find  /usr/lib/  I tried to create a symbolic
link with "ln -s /usr/lib/
libstatrtup-notification" but that didn't help. Sorry if I'm missing
something pretty basic.  I'm admitedly way out of my depth. ;-)


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