Task List button on taskbar

Juha Kautto kautto.juha at kolumbus.fi
Mon Sep 27 18:26:48 CEST 2004

Kill all applications so that the task list is empty. Then right click 
it and you should be able to select remove-


Siposs Attila wrote:

>I don't know how but I've reached that there is a "Task List"
>application on my taskbar, and I could not kick it out.
>If I click on it to make this "running application" active, after 1 or
>2 seconds it drops the focus, but no window appear after the click.
>I did not find a referring process with top or ps so I do not know
>what should I do. How can I kill this useless task?
>Or is this really a task, or is it a bug?
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