How to change text color in terminal window

Andrew Conkling andrewski at
Sat Sep 25 20:53:52 CEST 2004

Some time ago (probably on Sat, 25 Sep 2004 13:27:11 -0400)
Bob Goodwin <bobgoodwin at> had occasion to say the following:

> How can I eliminate color in "ls" listings?
> In .bashrc  can add    alias ls='ls --color=never'
> But this does not change the listing in the gui terminal window.

This has nothing to do with Xfce directly; it'd be better to direct your
question to a Fedora list/forum.  The problem is probably in some global
alias settings (something like /etc/env*, at least in Gentoo.)

> There must be a place to "alias" ls  for something like    ls -l --si 
> --color=never  ?
> Changing the settings in /etc/DIR_COLOR has no effect on the terminal
> window in xfce.
> Or where can I change the colors? Directories display in blue and are 
> very hard
> to read on a black background which I need to display yellow text in
> the man pages.
> Presently I have the bg set to gray as a compromise but I still have 
> trouble reading
> the blue directory listings.
> I am running xfce4 in Fedora Core 2 Linux.
> Thanks you.
> Bob Goodwin    Zuni, Virginia

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