xfce4-panel won't unhide

Patrick Wiseman pwiseman at mindspring.com
Wed Sep 22 14:21:21 CEST 2004

On Wed, 22 Sep 2004, Jasper Huijsmans wrote:

:On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 06:14:59PM -0400, Patrick Wiseman wrote:
:> Hello, all:
:> My panel's stuck in 'hide' mode and won't unhide.  This is not the first
:> time this has happened, but I can't see what I did, other than wake up the
:> machine from a locked screen (xscreensaver).
:> Is this a known bug?  It takes a restart of X to correct.  Why is there no
:> longer an option from a desktop menu to restart everything without leaving
:> X?  That used to be a standard feature of wm's.
:I don't know of the bug. What version of Xfce are you using?

It's the version in debian testing, 4.0.6-1.

:You can restart the panel by running 'pkill -USR1 xfce4-panel' in a terminal.
:That way yo udon't have to restart X.

Thanks.  I had tried 'kill -1 xfce4-panel', but it didn't work.

:Restarting the wm doesn't sound like a useful option to me at all, unless
:things are buggy, but then I'd rather fix the bugs.

As I say, it seems to me it used to be a standard feature; I know the
fvwm's had it, and it was an option in xfce3.

But for this occasional oddity, xfce4 and its parts work flawlessly for


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