New Xorg features in Xfce: what will they be?

Andrew Conkling andrewski at
Tue Sep 21 06:33:51 CEST 2004

Some time ago (probably on Mon, 20 Sep 2004 22:27:18 -0500)
Charles Pittman <chucks86 at> had occasion to say the following:
> > 
> > If you have ever worked with OSX you won't miss those features. The
> > problem is not the bloat (you can ./configure it out before
> > compiling I assume). The real problem is the speed. Will it be fast
> > enough on my slow to hell 600 MHz box ?
> It would seem to me that transset could handle a transparent panel. I
> have neither tried this, nor read anything stating as such. Someone
> confirm/deny, please.

Hehe, I guess I should add that the high CPU is because of what's going
on IN the terminal. :-)

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