
Gianluca Turconi luctur at
Fri Oct 22 15:03:35 CEST 2004

On Fri, 22 Oct 2004 10:03:34 +0200
Benedikt Meurer <benedikt.meurer at> wrote:

> > benny would know better, but i believe that sudo is the only way to
> > go.
> Thats right, sudo is currently the only supported way of shutting
> down. But one can write other shutdown modules (I already wrote a
> shutdown helper for redhat, but it doesn't work yet, and I have no
> redhat workstation to test).

I'm on a Fedora Core 2 system and I'm now able to shutdown regularly
xfce4.2 beta 1 copiled from sources via the poweroff button.

However, I've a question.

Initially I wrote this line in sudoers file:

myusername  localhost=/sbin/shutdown -h now
myusername  localhost=/sbin/halt

and poweroff didn't work. Then I added this line:

myusername  localhost=/usr/local/libexec/xfsm-shutdown-helper

and it worked.

So my question is: since xfsm-shutdown-helper has already the right
permissions to be executed by normal users and other commands are in
sudoers, why I had to add the last command to sudoers to make it work?

I'm sure I'm missing something...


Lo zoppo Androclide, spartano, avrebbe risposto a chi gli chiedeva di
quale utilità potesse essere un soldato menomato: "Non fa per voi gente
pronta a fuggire, ma che stia ferma per combattere contro gli
avversari." (tratto da Plutarco, Moralia, 217 C)

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