a taskbar like it was in xfce 3?

Oliver Lehmann lehmann at ans-netz.de
Wed Oct 20 16:16:56 CEST 2004


is there a way to get a verry tiny taskbar like it was in xfce 3 attached
to the panel and _underneath_ all other items?
I've tried the xfce-taskbar-plugin, but it adds the taskbar next to all
the other items which steals to much space I think.
And xfcetaskbar4 is something to big I think.

What should work (but not implemented now afaik):
- add an option to disable displaying the application icons in xftaskbar4
  that should make the taskbar much more smaller.
- add an option to get the panel stick to the taskbar

ideas about that?

 Oliver Lehmann

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