Problems using fonction keys (F1 -> F12)
Piotr Chmura
chmooreck at
Tue Nov 23 22:00:49 CET 2004
Dnia Tue, 23 Nov 2004 12:49:53 -0800, Brian J. Tarricone
<bjt23 at> napisaĆ:
> On 11/23/04 20:13, Rakotomandimby (R12y) Mihamina wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I mostly use mc as file manager for my remote server.
>> mc works with the function keys.
>> Unfortunately, for example i I want to quit mc, I have to press F10:
>> that makes tha terminal to pull down its menu.
>> How do you advice me to manage it ?
>> I want to keep the keys for mc.
>> I'm running the 4.2 version of XFCE (debian testing package from
>> os-cillation).
> that would depend on what terminal you're running. note that 'xfterm4'
> just runs xterm by default, or whatever your TERMCMD environment variable
> specifies. xfce doesn't come with its own terminal (yet).
> so essentially, the answer you're looking for is: either reconfigure
> your terminal to not use that key for menus, or, if that isn't possible,
> use a different terminal that doesn't use that key.
> -brian
In mc combination of pressing 'Esc' and then a number should work also...
for example:
F4 <=> 'Esc' '4'
F10 <=> 'Esc' '0'
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