idesk and xfdesktop

Xan DXpublica at
Mon Nov 22 17:00:44 CET 2004


I wanted to have icons in desktop. So I followed the tips

So, I downloaded idesk ( and I followed the usage section of web page. 
My .ideskrc and .idesk directory are:

$ cat .ideskrc
table Config
  FontName: FreeSerif
  FontSize: 8
  FontColor: #ffffff
  Locked: false
  Transparency: 150
  Shadow: true
  ShadowColor: #000000
  ShadowX: 1
  ShadowY: 2
  Bold: false
  ClickDelay: 300
  IconSnap: true
  SnapWidth: 55
  SnapHeight: 100
  SnapOrigin: BottomRight
  SnapShadow: true
  SnapShadowTrans: 200
  CaptionOnHover: false

table Actions
  Lock: control right doubleClk
  Reload: middle doubleClk
  Drag: left hold
  EndDrag: left singleClk
  Execute[0]: left doubleClk
  Execute[1]: right doubleClk

~/.idesktop$ ls

cat home.lnk:

$ cat home.lnk
table Icon
 Caption: Carpeta personal
 Icon: /usr/share/pixmaps/gnome-home.png
 Command[0]: nautilus /home/xan/
 Command[1]: konqueror /home/xan/

The tip mention the file .xinitrc. I have no .xinitrc in my system (debian). I 
apply the susbtitution of xfdesktop& for idesk& in my .xsession file

cat .xsession
/usr/bin/xfwm4 --daemon
/usr/bin/xftaskbar4 &
/usr/bin/xfdesktop &
#/usr/bin/idesk &
exec /usr/bin/xfce4-panel

I restart my X and nothing happens.

Even I copy the file /etc/X11/xfce4/xinitrc to ~/.xinitrc and I substitute the 
line of xfdesktop for idesk, I restarted my X and nothing happens.

So, the question: what I do wrong?

thanks in advance,

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