Terminal title in taskbar?

Paul Bucalo pmbuc at spymac.com
Sun Nov 21 15:15:16 CET 2004

On Sat Nov 20 10:00 , Chris Green <chris at areti.co.uk> sent:

>On Sat, Nov 20, 2004 at 12:04:19PM +0100, Xan wrote:

>> Okay Brian. I deleted from CC. Sorry if anytime I did it and annoyed you. This 
>> was not my intention. I simply did (do) "Answer to all" in kmail. So, I 
>> apologize if anytime in the future I press this button in a thread that you 
>> are, and mail comes to you duplicated.
>Yes, and I too think it's a pain in the ****.  Why on earth is it ever
>sensible or reasonable to do 'Answer to all' when replying to an
>E-Mail list message?
>Chris Green (chris at areti.co.uk)


I can't speak for Xan, not knowing what email client he is using. I can speak for
myself and all those who are using an email client that is rather....stupid...for
lack of better term, like mine. I began using Spymail.com for my email cleint to
post messages on this list when this list server would no longer accept emails
from my PC's email cleint due to a lack of FQDN. <THAT is a whole topic on its
own and one I won't get into at this time.> The email client provided by
Spymail.com is simplistic. If I use "Reply" to answer your post, I would end up
sending it only to you. The list's address on our posts shows up under "To:", so
to pick it up I have to use "Reply To All". Of course, doing so also incorporates
the Sender's address. I have to make a conciencious effort to remove the sender's
address or I will double-send. It's possible that Xan's email client is the same
and he hasn't been attentative to the issue until now. Regardless, this is a
problem that comes about from such simplistic email clients and it just needs
attention by user to deal with it. This then, Chris, is why anyone would want to
to use "Reply To All" to reply to a list.


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