Putting apps onto System Tray

Jens Luedicke jens.luedicke at gmail.com
Sun Nov 21 12:15:01 CET 2004

Hi !

the icewm and xfce4 systrays and different. the xfce4 systray is an
implementation of the freedesktop.org and KDE systray protocols. icewm
has its own "systray".
basically: in xfce4 the app must provide an systray icon feature of its own. 


On Fri, 19 Nov 2004 14:39:11 +0800, Seo Boon, NG <sbng at employees.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm a new xfce4 user. I converted from icewm. I would like to find out how to
> go about putting an apps on the system tray. I run a perl script from the
> terminal via a command such as "(xterm|aterm|rxvt) -e perl.script". I would very
> much like to put this instance of perl script under the system tray.
> Is there an option available for me to do that? Basically I need to have
> (xterm|aterm|rxvt) added into system tray. I'm looking for the similar feature
> in icewm where I specify the following entries in ~/.icewm/winoptions to get
> rxvt and Gaim onto the system tray.
> .icewm/winoptions:rxvt.tray: Exclusive
> .icewm/winoptions:gaim.tray: Exclusive
> http://computing.ee.ethz.ch/sepp/icewm-1.2.6-mo/icewm-12.html
> Does such a feature exist in xfce4? Or would I need to modify rxvt to achieve my
> objective?
> Thanks in advance.
> --
> SB
> http://www.employees.org/~sbng/pgp.txt
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Jens Luedicke
web: http://public.fh-wolfenbuettel.de/~luedickj/
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