OO 1.1.3 won't load under xfce-4.2 beta

Paul Bucalo pmbuc at spymac.com
Wed Nov 3 20:31:13 CET 2004

On Wed Nov  3 12:18 , Benedikt Meurer <benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de> sent:

>> Paul Bucalo wrote:
>> I typed in 'export env SESSION_MANAGER= soffice' at the term prompt and
>> ....then 'soffice' at the next prompt...it worked! Your brilliant,
>> Benedikt! :0)
>The actual command is really 'env SESSION_MANAGER= soffice', no need for 
>export or anything like that.

OK. It seemed to only work when I used the 'export' command. Or maybe I just saw
it that way. :0)

>> Mostly, I use GDM to login in under the GUI, however I do sometimes change to
>> 'init 3' when I don't want that. Where do you suggest I put the export command in
>> 'startupxfce4' to make this permanent?
>Don't put it anywhere, it was just to confirm my apprehension. Its a 
>problem with xfce4-session. Your computer seems to be very slow,

I suyppose you are right. Running an i386 compiled distro on an i586 isn't going
to set any blazing records for performance. :0/ You know how it is...I have to
make due...for now. ;0)

>and OOo 
>doesn't respond to xfce4-session in time, therefore xfce4-session shuts 
>down the communication to OOo and OOo ICE error handler terminates OOo 
>(which I actually consider a bug in OOo afterall).

I have had little nagging problems with 'xfce4-session' in the past, and
therefore ran without it. I like its function, so I kept it in this time. If I
don't let it load up, with I be able to load OO then? I can go without the
sessiona manager.

>I'll investigate on 
>this to have it fixed with RC1.

Appreciated, Benedikt. 

>Thanks for your help,

Thank YOU for showing me that I didn't mess up my system. :0)


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