Window cycling under a mouse

James Lee leekk at
Wed May 19 20:37:32 CEST 2004

> I believe that Alt-Middle_Mouse_click does want you want if I understand 
> you correctly.

Err.. not exactly. It has the same behavior as lower window,
which will send the topmost window under the mouse to the
back, but does nothing to the next topmost window, which
could have been partially hidden by other windows not
covering the mouse cusor. Rather, I was hoping that when the
topmost window is sent to the back, the next topmost window
will be raised to the front completely. Then when I cycle
again, it will be send right to the back, and the next one
raised to the top.  Well, even if it can't be done in one
keystroke, if it can do raise_lower (one keystroke raise,
the next stroke lower, next stroke raise and the next stroke
lower, etc), this is good enough for me.

I hope I am clearer now.



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