Fx keys do not work as shortcut keys in 4.0.4

Miro Hodak hodak at nemo.physics.ncsu.edu
Wed Mar 17 03:55:07 CET 2004

I use F1, F2 and F3 keys as shortcuts (key bindings) for opening xterm, 
web browser etc.
I set them in .themes/xfwm4/custom.keys/keythemerc and things worked fine, 
until I upgraded to 4.0.4. This version apparently ignores all my shortcut 
setting pointing to individual Fx keys. 

This is what worked for me until now:
shortcut_4_exec=xterm -fa "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono" -fs 14

i.e., pressing F1 opened xterm.

Note that adding anything to F1 key (such as Alt+F1) works. For example 
changing the above to (after commenting out the default key binding for 
Alt+F1, of course)


opens xterm when pressing Alt and F1.

Anybody knows why key bindings do not work with Fx in 4.0.4? Is there a 
reason or is this a bug?


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