Safe to uninstall Gnome?

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Wed Mar 17 04:07:07 CET 2004

Andrew Conkling wrote:

>I was wondering if it'd be safe to uninstall Gnome with XFCE.  For some
>reason, I get the impression that XFCE uses Gnome stuff, but that could
>just as easily be my crazy idea as it could some documented thing.
gnome uses gtk2 (and its dependencies).  nothing beyond gtk2 is 
required, so you don't need any of the gnome/orbit/bonobo libs, or any 
of the gnome-* packages. however, in addition, you might want to install 
libstartup-notification and librsvg.  also, xfce doesn't include apps 
like a calculator, text editor, etc., so you might want to install the 
appropriate gnome packages that contain them (or use whatever non-gnome 
stuff you want).


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