How do I cycle with Alt-Tab over all workspaces ?

Brian J. Tarricone bjt23 at
Tue Mar 16 11:39:27 CET 2004

Thomas wrote:

>I didn't find the option to cycle through my applications with ALT-Tab.
>Cycling is only possible in the current workspace. Is this wanted or
>can I change this.
nope, it's intended that alt-tab only cycles through windows on the 
current workspace.  this isn't a preference, and, IMHO, it shouldn't be.

>btw - I want the xfce-panel also in my cycle list. Why is it not there ?
because the panel hints to the window manager that it shouldn't be in 
the window list.  i have mixed feelings on this.  i don't think it 
_should_ be there for most cases, but for accessibility reasons, it 
needs to be, since there's otherwise no keyboard-navigable way to get 
there.  i suppose that you could argue that people who can't use a mouse 
should just not use the panel for launchers, and just for 
clock/weather/netload etc. applets (but that raises the question of "how 
do they set the panel up in the first place?").  if we wanted to create 
an "accesibility" settings panel, this is a prime candidate for 
inclusion.  however, we really don't want such a dialog for each app 
(panel, WM, desktop, etc.), so we'd need a single all-app accessibility 
panel that's smart enough to know what apps are installed/running, which 
is a non-trivial task and not something i'm interested in tackling at 
present (perhaps it will be easier after benny finishes the D-BUS stuff).


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