Why panel does not autohide if the taskbar is in the same "zone"?

Xan DXpublica at telefonica.net
Sat Jun 26 11:45:47 CEST 2004

Divendres 25 Juny 2004 20:05, en/na Jasper Huijsmans (<Jasper Huijsmans 
<jasper at xfce.org>>) va escriure:

> Xan wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > When I have taskbar and panel at bottom and panel with autohide (and
> > taskbar with no-autohide option), then the panel does not autohide. The
> > same happens if we have the panel and taskbar at top.
> >
> > Why?
> > How I can get that panel hides in this situation?. The ideal situation
> > for me is that I have the taskbar at bottom and panel on the taskbar,
> > that autohide when the mouse is not onto it. So when panel is hide, I
> > have taskbar and, upper this, a thin bar (that is the hide panel).
> The panel can only hide on the edges of the screen. I think this is a
> reasonable restriction. The hidden size of the panel is so small that it
> is very hard to hit with the mouse quickly, which I consider a serious
> problem.

Thank you, Jasper, for your aclaration.
I'm in agree with you that it's not useful thing hide panel when it is in the 
middle of the screen. But perhaps it should not be necessary in the edges of 
the screen for hide it, speaking strictly.

I think that a reasonable extension is that the panel can hide if it is "on" 
the taskbar and the taskbar is in the edges of the screen (perhaps in future 
releases the taskbar could be in the right or in the left edges) and with 
no-hide option (if we hide all, we are these? :-p)).

When someone search with the mouse near taskbar (with no-hide option), surely 
the panel shows itself.

Perhaps it could be useful (or not) if, in the future, xfce4 have several 
panel. We could hide the most upper panel and maintain unhide the most bottom 

What do you think about all of these?

With my best intentions and thank-you's,

> 	Jasper

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