Workspaces in a matrix.

Xan DXpublica at
Mon Jun 14 22:05:41 CEST 2004

Dilluns 14 Juny 2004 15:58, en/na Brian J. Tarricone (<"Brian J. Tarricone" 
<bjt23 at>>) va escriure:
> problem with that is it limits the number of workspaces you can have.
> so perhaps just replace the sliders with spinbuttons, and you can
> specify the rows and columns.

In xfce4.0.5 the maximum workspaces alowed is 32. It's a good maximum (I think 
that having more than 32 workspaces is difficult ;)) but why not allow all 
workspaces that a generic user want (that is, no maximum)?

Perhaps with more than 10 workspaces, we have to put arrows to navigate within 

With matrix workspaces maybe the navigation become more easyly.

But it's an opinion.

Trivial thought.


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