Changing focus with arrow keys

Andrew Conkling andrewski at
Sat Jun 12 04:19:04 CEST 2004

On Fri, 2004-06-11 at 16:04 -0700, Vebjorn Ljosa wrote:
> * Andrew Conkling <andrewski at>
> | 
> | The question is whether xfwm4 can accept such a function.  If so,
> | couldn't the keys be easily edited in ~/.themes/xfwm4/XXXXX.keys/
> | keythemerc?
> I don't understand what you mean by "accept".

I actually meant whether xfwm4 already has such implementations.  If you
want to code something in, more power to you; neither time nor the
collective unconcious have allowed me yet to know how to do such things
myself. :)

> : yamuna:~/src/xfwm4-4.0.5/src; grep getValue.*_key settings.c | 
> > sed 's/.*"\(.*\)".*/\1/'

Well, golly gee, that's just quite helpful.  How about that?  Hey, seems
like that should be in the xfwm4 documentation somewhere (not to say
that it isn't already, but it certainly wasn't in the online
documentation last time I looked.)

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