xfce4-session: longer start
Benedikt Meurer
benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Sat Jun 5 13:50:44 CEST 2004
Sergey Manucharyan wrote:
> Hi developers,
Hey Sergey,
> I like the new 4.1.x versions of xfce and appreciate your great work.
> I use xfce4-session for several months. But after updating my xfce4 from cvs today I've found, that it's start time increased significantly and reached 36 sec (!!) on my Arch Linux box (AthlonXP1700 (1100MHz)/256Mb/7200rpm HDD). Then I've replaced xfce4-session from cvs of May 19 - the start time became 20 sec. The next step - cvs of April 22 - with the best result of 9 sec. (I measure the time xfce takes to start just after rebooting).
> Is it just temporarily inconvenient "side effect" of the developing unstable version, or there are some hidden features inside?
Somebody reported a similar problem on IRC recently. I think I know what
causes this problem: You fire up 4 (or probably more) sessions clients, but
they don't register properly with the session manager, and the session manager
gives each client 8sec to register, so it waits this 8sec and then continues
with the next client (4 * 8 + x = 36, where x is the overhead of starting the
session manager, connecting to the Xserver, doing Autostart, etc.).
Since xfce4-session works fine for most of us, I think the problem is caused
by libSM and/or libICE on your machine, or maybe your system configuration.
Honestly I can't think of anything a user could mess up with, that'd cause
such problems and wouldn't be detected the sanity check xfce4-session performs
at startup, but if you find out, please let me know, so I can add it to the
sanity check. You could start by sending every piece of information about your
system regarding session management (Which OS? libSM/libICE version? etc.),
maybe that helps tracking the problem.
> Sergey
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