Aterm and transparency

Brett I. Holcomb brettholcomb at
Tue Jun 1 05:17:47 CEST 2004

Thank you.  If I want transparency what do I have to do to get it?  I'd 
like to try it out both with a terminal emulator and with other windows.  
Does eterm do transparency? The website indicates it might but then it's 
not real clear.  

On Mon, 31 May 2004, Net Llama! wrote:

> On 05/31/2004 07:54 PM, Brett I. Holcomb wrote:
> > I decided to play around with transparency.  I remember some discussions 
> > of that fairly recently but could not find them in the archives.  I did 
> > google but some of the links were dead.  I installed aterm but find 
> > that it will display the root background but won't show another window 
> > such as an xterm or browser through aterm.
> That's all that aterm will do.

Brett I. Holcomb

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