Serious bug in xfce4-session

Don Christensen djc at
Sat Jul 31 01:46:29 CEST 2004

Hi all,

I have noticed recently a serious (at least to me) bug in xfce4-session
where, when logging out of Xfce on the console, the apps running on my
VNC X server (:2.0) on the same box get killed.  I know this happens
with the xfce4-session from CVS HEAD from a week or two ago, I haven't
verified if it is occurring in the lastest (as of today) CVS sources.

I'm running RHEL 3 (update 2).  I have a tightvnc server running using
display :2.0, and it continues to run after logging out of Xfce.  Just
the apps that were running there are gone.  I do use dual-head, if that
has any bearing.  I haven't seen this problem with other WM/DEs.


Don Christensen       Senior Software Development Engineer
djc at         Cisco Systems, Santa Cruz, CA
   "It was a new day yesterday, but it's an old day now."

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