Panel/taskbar cooperation in CVS

Andrew Conkling andrewski at
Tue Jul 27 15:37:40 CEST 2004

I'm wondering if it would be possible for the panel and the taskbar to cooperate when it comes to screen width in CVS.  My panel layout is as follows (from L to R):
Launchers, System buttons, Weather plugin
Taskbar plugin
System tray

At this point, I have the taskbar plugin to extend all the way to the right, only allowing the system tray room enough for one icon.  If I load more, the panel extends to the right and I can't see the second system tray icon.

My suggestion: have the ability for the system tray to move inwards (align right, as it were) and for the taskbar plugin to "fill up the remaining width/height of the screen"; each time I add/remove launchers or plugins or load icons into the system tray, I need to adjust the panel again.


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