CVS install... no icons on panel

Jasper Huijsmans jasper at
Mon Jul 19 22:18:57 CEST 2004

Ales Jagodnik wrote:
> Hi,
> today I did CVS install of xfce to see new features, besides making 
> additional library link in /usr/lib pointing to /usr/local/lib

This shouldn't be necessary if you have PKG_CONFIG_PATH set correctly as 
well as PATH and /etc/

> I don't 
> have any icons on the panel.

I don't understand how this could happen. Are you using gtk 2.2? Is the 
panel empty or does it show some default icon? A screenshot may be helpful.

> on many themes (xfce4-*) icons get blury except xfce4-kolors and a few 
> others.

Yeah, I think the icons get scaled twice (at least). This is a problem, 
I'll talk to brian about it. We still have some work to do to make icon 
themes work properly...

> Is it some bug or some PATH problem since libraries in /usr/local aren't 
> found automaticaly either.
> I have SuSe 9.1 and files in /usr/local/... seems a problem sometimes.

Try to see if /usr/local/lib is in /etc/


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