Modifications to Xfce - pointers please.

KUTYLA Peggy peggy.kutyla at
Sun Jul 18 18:32:37 CEST 2004

Hi Andy

> 2. How do I go about changing the colour of the panel from its default 
> grey?

by changing the gtk theme (xfce-setting-show ui)

> 1. On Xfce-3.8 I could right click on the desktop and a context menu 
> would open allowing me to access KDE apps via a menu and (some) Gnome 
> apps. That ability seems to have been phased out or did I not configure 
> something correctly to get those options in the context menu?

You should have some. I am using mdk and i have a mdk menu.
the config file is  /etc/X11/xfce4/menu2.xml. but it should be created 
automatiquely  with ./etc/menu-methods/xfce4


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