xfstart mentioned in the wish list...
Benedikt Meurer
benedikt.meurer at unix-ag.uni-siegen.de
Sun Jul 11 00:08:43 CEST 2004
David Snyder wrote:
> Browsing the xfce website, I took a look at the 'Wish List'. One item
> was mentioned which caught my attention -- the "xfstart" request in the
> "new modules" section. The reason this caught my attention is because
> I've wanted to automate the startup of applications on my Xfce desktop.
> For example, start firefox on desktops 2,3, and 4, xmms on desktop 4,
> etc. The info. about setting application startup in the
> 'Desktop/Autostart' file is useful, however, the applications are dumped
> on the currently viewed desktop -- and I've got to manually move them
> around (a rather tedious task). I thought about poking around the Xfce
> code to see about adding the functionality to start up applications on a
> specified desktop. However, it looks like someone's already turned
> their attention to this. So, *is* there a xfstart app? Thanx.
I've started work on this some time ago, but delayed it to work on more
important tasks first. I could finish it for 4.2, tho I'm still unsure if this
is of any use. The case you describe should be perfectly handled by session
management (the session manager will restart the app in its previous state and
the window manager will place the window on the correct workspace). Sadly,
both apps mentioned above (xmms and mozilla) are broken in terms of session
management and I don't see any good chance that any of them will be fixed in
the near future.
> David
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