bad fonts since OS upgrade

Sergey Manucharyan serge at
Thu Jul 8 19:42:57 CEST 2004

I've found that the recent CVS version of
<xfce-dir>/etc/xfce4/xinitrc contains a smart solution
used ~/.Xdefaults and ~/.Xresources files instead of
"mandatory" overriding of user's settings:


# create temp file for X resources
XRESOURCES=`mktemp /tmp/xrdb.XXXXXX`

# Has to go prior to merging Xft.xrdb, as its the "Defaults"
file test -r $HOME/.Xdefaults && cat $HOME/.Xdefaults >>

# Check if the user wants to override the above defaults
(set by# mcs ui plugin)
if test -r $XFCE4HOME/Xft.xrdb; then
	cat $XFCE4HOME/Xft.xrdb >> $XRESOURCES
	# Those are fallback settings, use the ui plugin to change
it	# or add your overrides to ~/.Xresources
	# Xft DPI: 96
	# Xft.hintstyle: hintnone/hintslight/hintmedium/hintfull
	# Xft hinting: 1/0
Xft.dpi: 96
Xft.hinting: 1
Xft.hintstyle: hintmedium

# ~/.Xresources contains overrides to the above
test -r $HOME/.Xresources && cat $HOME/.Xresources >>

# load all X resources
xrdb -nocpp -merge $XRESOURCES


On Thu, 08 Jul 2004 19:30:12
+0200 LiNuCe <linuce at> wrote:
> Hello,
>     You might try what I do everytime I install a new
>     version of XFCE. 
> The fact is that XFCE initialize XFT in a manner that I
> don't wish (among other things, it set XFT resolution to
> 96dpi wheras I have a 72pi screen : the consequence is
> that I have bigger font than I should have without this
> initialization, and at 800x600, this is a such annoying
> you prbably can't imaginate :)).
> 1)
>     $ cp /etc/X11/xfce4/xinitrc ~/.xfce4/xinitrc
>     $ chmod 700 ~/.xfce4/xinitrc
> 2) Locate the following lines :
>     xrdb -nocpp -merge - << EOF
>     Xft.dpi: 96
>     Xft.hinting: 1
>     Xft.hintstyle: hintmedium
>     EOF
> 3) Comment them by putting a # at the beginning in order
> to have the following lines :
>     #xrdb -nocpp -merge - << EOF
>     #Xft.dpi: 96
>     #Xft.hinting: 1
>     #Xft.hintstyle: hintmedium
>     #EOF
> 4) Restart XFCE. Defaults XFT settings will be used. See
> if it is better.
> 5) If this does not solve your problem, uncomment the
> "Xft.hinting*" lines and try to set hinting style with one
> of those values, restarting XFCE each time (I do insist on
> the restart) :  hintnone, hintslight, hintmedium,
> hintfull.

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