Changing items in panel right-click menu

Andrew Conkling andrewski at
Thu Jul 8 15:19:25 CEST 2004

> From: Lindsay Holmwood <holmwoodl at>
> Date: 2004/07/07 Wed PM 07:09:45 EDT
> To: xfce at
> Subject: Changing items in panel right-click menu
> G'day all,

Where are you from? ;)

> Also, does anyone have any tips for setting up Xfce in an internet
> kiosk style environment?

I know this has nothing to do with Xfce, but what browser are you planning to use?  I know it's not open-source (or free, if you want to be rid of the ads) but Opera has a really fast and well-configurable browser.  Since you want a kiosk-style environment, you could even put it fullscreen and not see the ads anyway.  Check out for some details, though it says you have to pay to support kiosk mode.  I say that all depends on how secure you need it.  I'm not affiliated with them, just think Opera's worth sharing.


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