A Wacky Idea...

Chris Brault groundhog3000 at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 1 23:11:01 CEST 2004


> Maybe it's lunacy. It makes some sense to me, but
> others may not think 
> so. At any rate, it's something I've never really
> seen before: windows that shade SIDEWAYS.

This isn't an insane idea. However, it would be
"impractical" to rotate the window borders. That is,
it would serve no other purpose than to act as eye
candy. Could it be done? It probably could if you
rounded up the necessary volunteers. Who would
volunteer for such a project? Someone who feels like
hacking for a few months to get the functionality up
and running. 

I'm sure there is someone out there with the time and
the pure curiosity to pursue this. Good luck finding them.

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